Monday, December 12, 2011

Objectives begin to fall

The long silence is about to be broken,  First off I would like to appoligize to the reader as I have had to remain silent the last few months.  But operation BlackDawn has started to evolve into its intended form. As of December 2nd target wormhole J130854 has been seiged and POS's belonging to Chained reactions have been removed.  Dead on Arrival was able to enter the wormhole through highsec routes provided by our subersion agents. 

As requested we provided all of the intel in order for this objective to be completed.  On December 2nd, 3rd and 4th combat operations began and this was the out come.

Multiple POS locations were brought down and there was 10s of billions in isk destroyed. The operation against Chained Reactions is just begining.

A few days after the dust had settled, I made contact with the alliance executor.  And this was the short eve mail conversation we had.

I really don't meen to be rude but...
Your operations has not affected my alliance much at all so basicly you guys fail.
Not sure who is paying you but they are just cowards if they can't deal with us in person.

I am super anti merc's i think that just shows a lack of balls.

So yes try me...

There is no way this alliance is going to Disband it might shrink in size we might move out of a few WH and move in to new ones but the core of this alliance will never fail since it was created for fun not for profit.

Now explain this one (What you may not know is that we are the reason your alliance mates have been targeted.) YOU are the Reason or I AM the reason ? Cuz if you was hired then you are NOT the reason one of our members are targeted...

And in my alliance its pretty much free for all so if you find MY POS and seige it then i might consider paying a ransom but till then you might want to talk with the ppl you actualy targeting cuz i not going to be the one paying Ransom for assets that don't belong to me.

Ok and after typing this much i realize your not even in DOA you are some random guy in a 2 man corp so try again from your Main toon or something.

Best Reguards,
Jasminmatar, CEO of AFATY, Leader of Chained Reactions. Co Funder of the WH coalition.

hello Jas
The HeimdallSent: 2011.12.10 03:32

Hello Jas,

You do not know me but your alliance has become very familiar with my work. As you know Dead on arrival has been activly seigeing wormhole J130854. What you may not know is that we are the reason your alliance mates have been targeted. As requested our services have issued losses to your alliance totaling in the 10s of billions. Our work is not finished with you yet, We are currently renegotiating with our client on an extension of our services to them.

The reason I have brought this to your attention is we would like to offer your alliance mates the ability to once again freely operate within wormhole space. There are 3 ways to resolve the problem your alliance urrently faces.

1. Remove us from your rosters. This option is the easiest yet most tedious response to the situation. The problem with just kicking players is there is no real way to tell how many and who need to be removed. Although you could always just disband the alliance and start over I Guess.

2. Die, fail cascade into oblivion just like the rest of the poor worthless entities we have operated against.

3. Finnaly the easiest option buy your freedom. As my standard contracts with my client allow we extend you the oppurtunity to purchase your freedom.

Heed my warning, We have been active in your alliance at multiple levels and for many months now, if our client decides to reenlist our services this last seige will be the first of many on your alliances wormhole empire. Time is not a luxury for you as our client does not wish to be held up.

Good Luck

His response was add me to his contacts at -10 standing how unfortunate.

The operation continues and we shall see where black dawn takes us

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Silence good for business bad for entertainment

My blog has been silent the last few weeks, as I have been doing alot of work on my home as well as attempting to push our corp further into Stain region.  My agent has been training and loggin in daily but with little activity in the corp, alliance and my self things have gone a bit stagnant.  I am hopeing with the return of colder weather here I will see an increase in activity and possible access to my final objective.  Having supplied my full API but yet to be allowed access to the objective things tend to get discouraging but I continue to cruise along waiting patiently for my moment.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Operation sink hole

Operation sink hole went off last night without a hitch, It appears goodfleet a little 4 man corp was not intrested in putting forcefields back online so we hit the tower destroyed the lab and nothing... Hitting labs is costing SIG earned isk for the war decs with very little yield.  The projects will continue and decs will follow when suitable targets are found. 

Operation black dawn is stalled again as my CEO still has not logged online to accept my full API key to gain access to the primary target assets.  So for now I am sitting tight and just spending mroe time padding the corp wallet and my own with lvl 4 missions.  As soon as we gain access and am able to establish needed logistics this operation will excelerate at a very fast rate.  I need to get this one wrapped up quick as I have a new corp to target.

Operation return fire has shifted in a positive way the agent has been told after thier war dec he will be allowed access to thier corp.  Very good news for us, as we have instructed our agent to work slowly and dismantle this alliance from the inside.  A very big and daunting task that will test his abilities to the max. 

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Full API check?... Not a problem

After a recent security issue my new( sorta new ) corp has asked my agent alt for a full API check.  I was a bit concerned at first but then ran the same check on myself and didnt find any red flags.  To be honest this is the very first time anyone has asked me a full API in order to gain access to assets I want to get my hands on.  I am waiting for my CEO to log on ao I can convo him over the said API information.

It seems operation black dawn is comming close to its apex.  I am getting rather excited as I have watched my new targets loose Itty after Itty full of sleeper salvage bpos and tech 3 sub systems.  I was starting to thik that these guys may not ever let me into this damn wormhole.  After talking with a couple guys who are stationed there, I was informed theres not just 1 POS belonging to my corp but 4 POSes... yes FOUR.  Total POSes in the WH system total 10 the other 6 belonging to alliance members.

Liberated items very well could total upwards of 15-20 billion without touching the corp wallet.  I have already made arrangments for frieghter and orca transports to be ready at a moments notice.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Operation Spotcheck II canceled

The operative working the spotcheck job has exercised his right to declare an operation a failure.  After weeks of no responses and very little communication from the target, I have offered a chance at retribution.  I have instructed our agent to infiltrate a smaller wormhole corp that took pot shots at the wrong reation tower in wormhole space. 

Four weeks ago while we operated in null sec my personal reaction POS was attacked by a 15 man fleet.  I rallied our troops, the heavy dics warped in bubbled up.  A small battle started, what the attacking fleet did not know that on the otherside of the WH system 4 carriers had just logged in and were inbound to the reaction pos. 

Now SIG net is returning the favor our agent is joining up and has been instructed to entrench and bleed them out, burn them down and destroy thier ability to exist as a cohesive unit.  After this has been achived we will bring a fleet to bare down on thier towers and show them how this is supposed to be done.

Operation Return Fire is in effect.
Goodluck agent

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A tool for the trade or a bane of our existence?

While browsing the sell forums on the eve main site I came across an intresting post about a guy who is able to compile lists of people in alliance and corps via the API server.

The original post can be found here

After reading a little more into this, it seems Kronus uses data mining techniques to farm user ids for the chars and compiles them into a list.  So I thought to my self this could be a usefull tool in which SIG could exploit in order to increase the speed at which we can help some of our clients.

I decide to investigate a bit further. Upon clicking his link I am led to a login site asking for my email address.  Now if you rember a few posts ago about my email account getting hacked. I said no thank you.  I will do things the longer harder way.

Kronus Claims he is able to identify 90% of all members in any corp or alliance.  He can do this in a matter of seconds by drawing from the API server.  My work takes days sometimes weeks but when I am done there is a complete list of members activity levels how many are alts and what ships they fly. 

Although Kronus's service is fast and possibly user friendly I will not be using it as I am no longer giving my email addresses out to any EvE related sites. But for the CEO involved in a current highsec war, who does not have or will not engadge in espionage this service could be worth its wieght in gold. 

Friday, July 22, 2011

Operation Repo is back on

Somtimes when a target presents itself it is adventagious to act accordingly.  SIG has decided to create a small team of overt agents flying under the SIG flag.  The purpose for these agents is to hit towers that are either offline or will be offlined shortly.  We do this with a relatively small group.  Well lets be honest 2 people.  We fit out the nastiest catalyst we can get and as soon as the dec goes through we hit the offlined towers labs, hangars and ship arrays looking for anything worth a buck.  The loot is then syphoned off from SIG coffers and out to our main indie corp in the case of blueprints and minerals or sold to the highest bidder.  This will be and on going project and broadens SIG net options when it comes to attacking targets.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

corp security from the eyes of another

@gamerchick42 had a little intresting post that in my line of work relates directly to me.  I encourage anyone concerned with "spies" in Eve please read and follow the guidelines.  There is one small snipit from this post that can truly prevent the common "spy" in eve online

"Recruitment by Invite Only. This has been adopted by several corporations, but is not very accommodating when you want to recruit large numbers. However, the chances of a recruit being a spy after being vouched for by other corporate members is very slim. Though for more serious security endeavors I would highly recommend this route, be aware there is still a slim chance for the more dedicated spies for slipping through."
The rest of her artical can be found here it is quite informative and insightful.
This is the only real way to prevent any sort of infiltration, but we have to place an astricks next to this.  If you have the policy of recruitment only.  You need to make sure that your online friends are happy with every move you make.  As they could being to allow thier less then loyal friends gain access to your corp roster. 
This is why I feel to truly have a secure corp in eve you need to structure your corp as an autocracy.  Operating this way allows one person to remain in control of your assets.  Your members become semi reliant on your ability to feed them, and lets be honest most human beings would rather follow then lead.  But in order to operate your corp in this manner you have to be an intelligent person, savvy and well spoken.
Now I want to take this on a diffrent tangent.  The definition of spy in eve online has become diluted over the years.  The term spy in eve has been reduced to the common corp thief.  The deffinition of spy according to Merriam-Webster is as follows:
1: to watch secretly usually for hostile purposes
2: to catch sight of
3: to search or look for intensively
So lets call spies what they really are.  My definition of spy trends more twards saboteur. Sabotage is defined as:
1: destruction of an employer's property (as tools or materials) or the hindering of manufacturing by discontented workers
2: destructive or obstructive action carried on by a civilian or enemy agent to hinder a nation's war effort
3a : an act or process tending to hamper or hurt b : deliberate subversion
As I instruct all of my agents to operate not as a spy but as a subversion agent with the intent to destroy, dismantle and disrupt anything and everything that they are given access to.  From communications to stockpiles of weapons and materials.  A skilled agent will take these acts of sabotage to the exterme, for example so of our agents were able to successfully remove the ability for a corp to rescan its way into its own wormhole.  Actions like this is what make the common corp thief into a true agent of destruction. 
Look at our most recent operations against Fallen angels alliance and Vanguard imperium.  WE had no access to assets of any major value yet we were able to create interal paranoia, and reduce moral to the point where many upper level leadership would not plan any offensive operation against Atlas.  An agent must be able to use psycological warfare against himself inorder to complete the objective.
So I ask the eve community lets stop calling thieves spies and start claling them what they are.  The true masters of subversion deserve a little bit more respect then being classified as the low no talanted bottom feeds that raid corp hangars and wallets.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Back in action

After a long 5 days of information gathering for CCP they have "Granted me access to my account".  I have resumed communications with our agents and all projects are back on track. 

Operation BlackDawn is slowly progressing and still waiting access to target wormhole.

Operation Veldspar( my code name not the agents code name) has changed direction to secondary corp occupying primary target wormhole.

Operation Spotcheck II- is currently a frelance agent and he/she has gone dark.

Operation Repo has been cancled due to my account breech and wardec going unfunded.  We will reasses this project for furthur operations later.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Account hacked update

Well I filed my petition on July 15th with CCP followed by a copy of my communications with my ISP about my email account breech, then I gave them all the information that is required inorder to regain an account in which you have lost access to the orginal email address.  With these mails I gave them 3 contact phone numbers and 2 additional e-mail addresses.  Now one would think after 72 hours they would have atleast temporaily suspended the account to protect any remaining assets on the account. But as a matter of fact they have done absolutly nothing.  I have not even recived a single reply from any of thier staff.  I wonder how mny people have to watch from an API program thier assets disaprear to some Bejing asshat.

I check my online billing for my credit card today and behold CCP has kindly removed $14.95 for an account sub.  After ariving to my office this morning I fired up EvEHQ ( awsome program love it very much) I keep my full apis located at my office. And much to my suprise my main character has had 90% of her assets stripped, SIG's assets are gone =( and my main has 1 million less SP thanks to repeated podding and recloning of my dear pilot. 

I sent CCP a very nice yet strongly worded letter today stating the fact that I am a bit irritated that they have the gall to take a sub payment for an account that I have informed them was breeched and unplayable by myself.  We will have to see how they respond to this mail. 

I am a fairly patient individual and hope they get this one right or I may be packing up my accounts and calling it over and done with.

Friday, July 15, 2011

The speed bump from hell

Well I went to log on yesterday after getting home.  So I fired up my eve client and typed in my password. . . wait and wait password incorrect, I think to my self well my firgers must be tired, tried again password incorrect. Hmm so I make my way to the account managment screen log in password incorrect. So I decided to log into my email to see if my debit card was declined, password incorrect now im pissed off. After a lengthy phone call with my ISP come to find out some asshat in Bejing has decided to borrow my account.  I filed a petition with CCP and 24hrs later nothing no a response just a yeap we got it working on it goodluck typical response which irritates the ever living fuck out of me.  So untill my current issue with not being able to log into my account gets fixed I have put all operations except black dawn on hold as I am unable to communicate with our agents. I will be send out eve mail to our agents as soon as I am back in action.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Operation Black Dawn up date and another wardec looms

Operation Black Dawn is going slow, I have been asked to relocate to a new area in Highsec and operate out of there untill further notice which annoys my just a little bit Black dawn has been active for about 10 days now and with little information about wormhole locations comming in, as it appears they use a seperate channel ingame for all things wormhole related.  But I was able to learn that one of the current members was given quite a gift when one of his friends quit the game.  My jaw hit the floor when he linked what he was flying and then when I was able to visualy confirm its existance, He was sitting in a . . . Guardian-Vexor, yes a Guardian-Vexor and to top it all off he was can flipping miners while flying it.  We have plans in the works for ganking that shiney peice as soon as I am able to get 2 arty tempests in place.

While scouting last night for another project I ran across yet another offlined industry heavy POS.  Check info 80 man corp in an alliance, well I though to myself so I bookmarked the tower and flew on.  Two moons later another one, diffrent corp a three man corp with tech III production arrays and labs.  Vote cast war dec looms.  This should be a quick 30 min job for myself and one other agent.  Killmails and loot break down to follow as soon as operation is complete.  This operation has been codenamed Operation Tango Down.

The killmails for Operation Goldrush are now on battleclinic.  Feel free to check back for future kills by SIG Net.

We now have 2 freelance agents working under the SIG banner both of our new recruits were very eager to give purpose more then just stealing shit to thier efforts.  I am looking forward to relaying stories of thier success and adding their operations to the list of SIG net victories.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Operation Goldrush mixed results

S.I.G. Net completed operation gold rush early this morning around 1:30 am, the offlined tower with 6 labs was hit by two SIG operatives and the four moblie labs and two advanced labs attached to a tower owned by Bulywifs Blacksmiths were destroyed in very short fasion.  The dropped blueprints were less then exciting, We were able to recover 6 Prophecy, 9 Tristan, 5 Bestower and 3 capital construction part blueprint copies.  We were expecting a much larger haul as it appears we destroyed almost all of the blueprints as the labs disintigrated into space dust. The entire operation lasted less then 30 minutes.

Allthough the operation went off without incident we are a tad annoyed with the fact that we destroyed 95% of what was inside the labs. Hopfuly the next strike will be more profitable.

Monday, July 11, 2011

SIG declares war for the first time Operation Goldrush

It has been my policy with SIG net for a long period of time to not engage in overt operations. But a unique oppurtunity has come up where an agent has gained fuel tech roles and is able to shut down the target's medium reasearch POS.  So last night SIG declared war of target corp whos CEO and Director are on vacation this week.  SIG's 1 man frigate fleet will be hitting the target POS tonight in hopes that the labs are currently reasearching bluprints.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Recruiting agents

I was browsing the blog list today and found a freelancer in the spying business and offered him a job.  Any other freelancers are more then welcome to shoot me over and evemail and we can discuss how we operate and how we can assist you in your operations.

The Heimdall

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Vacation and the end game of Vanguard and fallen

After a 10 day vacation from Eve ( but not eve gate) I am finished with Vanguard and Fallen angels alliances. My clients are quite happy with the work that was done. So lets break it down, At the time of infiltration Fallen had about 350 members and 10 corps, Vanguard had about 800 members and 20 corps as well as holding space in multiple systems.  As of today Vanguard has 6 corps and 138 members and Fallen has 1 corp and 2 members.  Fallen has lost all of its space and Vanguard holds only 1 system in Querious.

Although the outcome of this operation was far better then anticipated as Atlas. helped quite alot to push these guys off a cliff, And without thier help it would have taken a much longer time investment to get to the point we are at now.

At the close of this operation our information leaks have lead to the destruction of 10 billion in jump frieghter and transport hulls and 15 billion in other assets.  Our agents did not gain access to any significant assets and no assets worth mentioning were stolen in the mad scramble to GTFO.  All of our agents have left thier current positions and have been relocated to NPC corps.

Recently the reminants of these two alliances have reformed under a flag called self destruct alliance, although I do not see this new alliance to be anywhere near the capabilities of the last ones currently standing at 179 members.  I forsee the same issues with communications and lack of vision will plauge this new alliance.  So anyone looking for a little fun they are recruiting and still have aspirations to get back into Querious.

I have also taken a revenge contract against a medium sized highsec/wh corp, which I am doing for merit as I feel the assets are worth the 10s of billions and the client is a friend of mine. I have already infiltrated the corp with the same pilot I used as against fallen and vanguard.  Our large transport is on standby and will be on the move as soon as I have access to the assets we are looking to liberate. I am being assited by the client with transport and ship access for the agent currently working inside.

SIG net is also looking to evolve a little as well. We are currently looking to either join a merc alliance for specialization in intel gathering, or joining up with other spy organizations for joint operations against larger targets.  If anyone is intrested feel free to contact me via eve mail and we can discuss details of our possible work together.

The Heimdall

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Not sure how to respond

Warp Factor Nine:

The communications about spies well this just adds an interesting element to the team here.

Yes there are and no ther are not there are a lot of dynamics involved in eve.

However at some point members will need time to recover from isk losses in combat ops.
( save your opinions on this topic please to inside your corps only )
I do enjoy the Fleet ops lots of fun.

Here is what I am going to say though.
Pilot errors will happen eventually just as the factors of Human Error will always occur.

I myself will not give into a ransom notice nor fund anyone to keep being rewarded in negative behavior to have enough isk to just keep ransoming more and making the pilot that recieves the wealth stronger to continue the assault of any at all this is trivial information to the matters at hand.

Here is what I have to say about the ransom notice.
You want lots of isk?
Go get a job in RL and buy yourself some plex and stop behaving like some low life dirtbag street criminal than can work however makes the career choice to a life of crime.

Steal in eve?
well some people play using real money buying plex the legal side of that is not ethical thinking however yes this si a video game which requires payment to play.

Want more resources to play eve with?
Stop griefing people and earn it.
Threaten us to mke us appear weak?
I wont stand for it.

So here is what the alliance needs to know.

I do no know any of you well enough in your characters sheet training to not say this as i will to a college class of new first day 101 students.
So i will begin and do not bring your emotions into this short segment of information.

What is a terrorist?
the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion

What is coercion?

Coercion is the practice of forcing another party to behave in an involuntary manner (whether through action or inaction) by use of threats, rewards, or intimidation or some other form of pressure or force. In law, coercion is codified as the duress crime. Such actions are used as leverage, to force the victim to act in the desired way. Coercion may involve the actual infliction of physical pain/injury or psychological harm in order to enhance the credibility of a threat. The threat of further harm may lead to the cooperation or obedience of the person being coerced. Torture is one of the most extreme examples of coercion i.e. severe pain is inflicted until the victim provides the desired information.

Essentially using fear without basis to obtain wants and desires.

Do not fall into the psychological trap of fear paranoia and negative gossip which tears an allaince apart.

Even if this is a PVE Operation you can learn to work together as one massive fleet.

Ok Last part.

To lose is part of celebrating the winning
win all the time then you never have the joy an excitement of winning the victory!

Think ahead.
Plan ahead.
PVP loses ships to resource yourself ahead and plan things out ahead of time.

Possibly however no proof this is even being seen by a spy or that we have a real spy nor that the spy even exist.

Evidence is required to be obtain in an investigation however I am not too sure that anyone will really want to take the time to invest real life time into location some "ghost in the shell" black op.

Well eve is highly technical.
Update your clone and know where your medical facilitiesa re located to have your clone more available with a prefitted ship.
Eve with clone upgrading you can possibly encounter a random SP loss.

How is this working in eve andnot working in eve.
There is a feature called the help menu in eve.
Also there is a feature call CCP PETITION if you want to debate with the game gods about an issue.

Last segment.

This is a game of TEAM FOCUS.
Work together.
When there is any type of issue in corps or pilots please use your command structure or the chain of command to resolve the matters.
Leader ship needs to listen as they can however we are human behind a computer playing together over the interent in which that at any time a real world situation may occur.
Here have to give out a short list.


So I think this states enough.

Other than the commander which already qualify for the fleet commanding.
Want to practice to train up for being a good FC?
Talk to me or others that are willing to train later on in eve as we are available.
Also by no means will Myself THYAST overrule and alliance commander in the chain of command. Please show the same level of respect.
At some time in the near future i do want to request a team meeting with the corp CEO's of the alliance to fleep up.
Details will be provided at the time only under the permissions of the alliance leadership and command structure.



Congrats to anyone that takes the time to read this message.
Replying to me in the evemail is not required.
work planning in the chain of command.
For the spy players?
Time will reveal you and you are already pointed known and tracked before your next move is even made.
You will never know how why when and what however know that you are already spotted tracked known and watched in eve anywhere you go.
You will ask for a how ponder on a what an whom is watching you an this you will never know or find out. So Spy good day to you and enjoy eve.


Late last night the mail was sent out to the alliance, I think they are slowly searching for which corps I am in by kicking two or three that taunting me with somthing like this.  I have chosen to not respond to this in direct communications.  After my last shake up I think I am going to let the pot boil a bit before I turn up the heat a little more.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Vanguard damage control

After the upper leadership of TSI ignoring me I decided to contact the CEOs, diplos and recruitment officers  of every corp in vanguard in order to stop the blaitant disreguard for my presence.  This message went out...

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen

As some of you on this list may be aware of my presence many of you are most likely not. Allow me to introduce myself, SIG Net is personaly responseable for assets belonging to your alliance and coalition being destroyed as well as providing sensitive information to Atlas. and other organizations. We are currently deeply entrenced in your alliance and have given the upper leadership ample time to respond to my demands. I fear that darenell and sawny do not take us seriously. allow me to divulge some of our work to you. We are directly responsable for this asset being destroyed also one of ours and again

the list goes on and on from small insignificant kills to the major ones above

Now let me direct you to the day we had Atlas. shooting at the station and we chased them ready to cyno in a capital fleet. Why do you think they ran away to where they did? Thats because I informed them of the jump limitations and our capabilities to fight them. They knew what we had and left just as we were ready to engage.

As you can see our work is not to be taken lightly and your allaince/coalition leadership continues to ignore the fact that we are here. I recently asked for 4 billion isk to end our operation and that offer still stands.

The way I see it Vanguard is now looking to wage a war against Atlas. in querious region and avoid the 0rphanage, with my agents firmly inplace inside the coalition I will see that you are unsuccesful. As I explained to Darenell and the sawny there are 3 ways this ends. I am bought off, my agents are kicked out or you all crumble and break.

I have yet to open channels with my contacts in AD0PT but if the leadership of vanguard and TSI continues to ignore me I will take steps to see that your lows sec safe spots are revealed and you are visited by the merc force that you are so desperatley trying to avoid.

Heed my wanring gentlemen, awaiting your reply darenell or sawny

The heimdell

I got an almost imediate response from a CEO from one of the corps laughing at me but allaince mail spelled a little diffrent story

ummmmmm. i think this person need to be primaried.  I then forwarded to him a copy of what he said in alliance mail.

Today darenell sends out this response to my little letter

Re: FW: Hello Ladies and Gentlemen

I can't speak for the VI losses, however I love it when people claim responsibilty for losses they had nothing to do with.  The Fallen JF died due to pilot error as we knew that system was being camped as we had caught Atlas. scouting pos towers for just this purpose.

This guy CLAIMS he will go away for 4billion isk, however he won't, I've seen his type and this scam before.  He is likely sitting in a gank tempest in Jita on his main while watching nullsec goings on.  With our info being on evenews, he took an interest and started pulling kills out of our killboards as "proof" of his complication so that he can demand isk to leave us alone.
We all know there are spys in every alliance, shit happens, welcome to Eve.  However I don't intend to pay some griefer to leave us alone when he isn't doing much of anything other than breeding paranoia.

This is why I simply blocked him when he started on this crap in my personal mail, he got annoying with trying to convince me, without any proof, that he is a threat.

There are plans in place that this person has no idea of or else he wouldn't be asking us to pay him to "go away".

Once again TSI leadership has failed to see the threat and will once again pay dearly for the insolence
The Heimdall

Monday, June 20, 2011

The Vanguard bleeding begins... The hemorageing of corps

Afternoon Vanguard!

As you all know, Sawny and I decided to merge our two alliances into a single more powerful alliance which will utilize the strengths of both Vanguard and Fallen. Sawny and are going to jointly run the ‘new’ Vanguard, with Mong as our XO. Let me say that I always have an open door and if anyone has any need to talk, feel free to shoot me a message or evemail and I will hook up with you as soon as I am able. (Also if you send a convo and its rejected, nothing personal, it just means I’m busy or have it disabled for a while).

I made FALLEN a promise not that long ago, and I am going to make it to the rest of you now. As you are all aware, we’ve now been kicked out of Querious and have a dagger firmly in our backs compliments of Atlas and friends. I know that loosing our home that we worked for hurt, and I know that many people are trying to figure out what we are to do from here. I will make it simple: We are going to get revenge. Atlas has never been a very stable group, and we are going to push them into there own death. The same way we pushed Querious when it was IT controlled, the same way we broke other alliances wills to fight that lived in Querious. Nulli Secuda was so kind to name us, “The cockroaches of eve”, and we are going to live up to this name yet again. We will hit Querious when and where it is least expected, inflict damage, and vanish again before anyone can do anything about it. We WILL have lots of fun fights ahead, I promise you that. Once we have gotten revenge for the knife in our backs, we will look back at nullsec, and where a suitable home for us is. Perhaps we will move back to Querious, perhaps we will get a home elsewhere, I cannot say yet. It depends on how the politics play out, however, I can promise you that we will be living in nullsec again.

All of that is good, but what are we doing now? I hear that a lot when I talk to people. Right now, leadership is figuring out exactly how to structure the combined alliance, while we get all of the FALLEN corps into Vanguard. We are also looking to the future, as to what fleet types we should field, how our logistics should be placed, and how we can best do damage to our enemies with minimal risk to ourselves. While all this is underway, everyone should take a short breather, make some isk, pew pew if that’s what you enjoy doing, and get ready for the next stage of our combined future.
I have also heard a lot of people talking about how we have lost quite a few corporations recently and how that is hurting us. Let me tell you this. We may have lost corporations, some may have left with a bad taste in there mouth, some may not have been ready for nullsec, but those that have stayed have had the heart, the drive, and the passion to see this through and to grow stronger because of it. We will come out of this period stronger than ever.

Before the merger both Fallen and Vanguard had a bright future ahead. Both groups had strengths, and both groups had weaknesses. Part of the reason we decided on this merger, is Fallen and Vanguards strengths compliment each other and help eliminate the weaknesses of the other. I am well beyond excited at the future we will make for ourselves and am committed to making sure that we accomplish great things. This ‘setback’ is nothing more than a speedbump in the way of our future, one that we will easily overcome, and be stronger for the effort.

Vanguard Imperium. We have a future, we have a destiny. We will succeed where others have failed, and we will do so because of each and every one of you. Look at your alliance chat, these are more than just “friends”. These are blood brothers and sisters. Those that we have fought along side for our homes, those that have with us for our combined future. Soon it will be time to show Atlas how wrong they are in thinking that we have been beaten. Prepare yourself, and lets live up to our destiny. Let us make our future that which we deserve, and let us do it in a glorious fashion.


A few days ago the alliance recives an attempt to raise morale and lay out the frame work for a counterstrike against Atlas.  The following incomming transmissions were recived shortly after

It's been over 5 years of constant Eve for me, I'm going to take a few months off and unsubscribe for a while.

Most of you guys are awesome, I've had a ton of fun flying with you all. Thanks for everyone's hard work, putting up with the occasonal one of my leeroy fleets, and showing up for up for the fun fleets as well. Most of you guys I like quite a bit, we've had a lot of fun, and I hope to fly with you when I get back.

Just want to be clear I don't have any personal issues or drama with anyone in alliance / leadership, etc, I think they are all great guys, and you all in the newly merged Vanguard/Fallen have a lot of good things ahead of you. Stick with it, this will be a great group to be with moving forward.

I'm obvously unfocused and unable to committ right now to any sort of leadership position for a large group like this so it's best for the group if I don't half-ass it so you all can get on with bigger and better things.

If anyone wants to reach me while I am unsubbed the next few months, mail me at

followed shortly by this one

To all
We at Suppression have been proud to serve with all of you. To all of you that have followed me on fleets I have FC’d Thank you for doing a great job. This is not good bye as we will still be around and hopefully friends. At this time it is in Suppression and Vanguards’ best interest if Suppression leaves. Thanks for the opportunity to fly and become friends with you all and I hope to fly again with you in the near future.
CEO Suppression Inc

then this one



we do not shoot those who were blue our policy has been an will be freindly until you start shooting.

current bullshit has lessoned our faith

if your insulted apology forwarded now,
respect is earned not given.

my door is open to convo

GHOST <out>
-1 FC -1 VET

and one more for good measure

Deer vangard

As of this moment in time the goals laid out for the aliance no longer compliment those of drr and as such drr will be leaving vangard it has been a pleasure flying whith u guys and who knows some time in the futer we could be back flying in the same circles

regards docs

From what I can see the flies or "cockroaches" are starting to drop dead.

As you can see Darenell think vanguard is able to stand upto Atlas. and he feels they are strong enough to engage them and win.  If you look at the kill boards Vanguard is now being pressured in high sec by the 0rphanage.  While trying to skirmish in 0.0 and low sec.  The fight that vanguard finds itself in is now being compounded by serious highsec pressure and poor leadership as well as several spies including myself activly working against them. 

I will once again send an offer to the leadership of Vanguard and offer my removal for an amount of isk that I feel is acceptable for my efforts and perhapps they can be persuaded this time.

The Heimdall

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Merger Complete... Second Match Begins

Fallen Agnels alliance has officaly merged into Vanguard Imperium, I am still nustled in my corp allowing my to cause drama and annoy the leadership further.  Hopefully the new leadership is not nearly as stubborn as the last and understand the errors in which Fallen was led although my guess if being that they are operating under joint leadership I may be able to cause some head bumping here withing my new home. 

Looking at Kill boards yesterday I noticed that as I predicted Atlas. Has whacked Ihubs belonging to Everto and Vanguard.  It is now just a matter of time before these 2 alliances loose thier space to Atlas./Cascade, I poersonally do not think Atlas. or Cascade will take this space I forsee a 3rd party taking this and Allying themselves with Atlas and cascade, which in my opion would be down right stupid given thier past of back stabbing.

On a diffrent note the damn connection issues make the espionage trade very difficult. For the last 36 hours I have been unable to loginto the server getting the status unknown message.  The DDoSers have made heimy a little upset and I may begin to shake if I dont get my drama fix soon. 

The Heimdall

Monday, June 13, 2011

Merger.... This will be fun

Alliance merger


Fallen Angels and Vanguard Imperium will be merging shortly. We will be merging into Vanguard under the JOINT leadership of myself and Sawny Bean.
More info to follow.
Well it appears that Fallen and Vanguard want to allow me to entertain myself for the time being,  I would like the thank Sawny for giving me the ability continue my escipades and making it easier on me I can now relocate one of my agents to a diffrent case with these two alliances being put in one house.
And there we have it with the help of Atlas. the self proclaimed PL and IT slayers are disbanding and moving to a new banner.  With FALL now out of the way lets see who looses thier space in Querious now. Vanguard anyone?
The Heimdall

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Official coalition wide evac issued



As you know Atlas. has cheated us twice in the past. Starting with convincing Delve Coalition to attack us, which was thwarted when they underhandedly worked to undermine Delve Coalition and we all found out about it. Then when going to -A- and lying about our participation against PL, when we worked to do as we were asked to do by Manny and Airdefence of Cascade Immenent. Fortinatly in that instance we were able to sitdown with -a- and provide proof we did indeed do as we were asked and we only lost a5 and q2.

Unfortinatly Atlas has come up with a new ploy, siting multiple reasons (depending on who you speak with) as to why they reset us. It boils down to this. The old TSI leader was removed after he repeatedly went AWOL with no warning, usually leaving us in a very bad situation. After being removed Tablaren was offered a lesser position of high importance and power both with his Alliance as well as within TSI, but he instead left. It is looking like he has gone to Atlas and members of Cascade, who he is close friends with, and decided to undermine TSI. I believe, as do other TSI leaders, this is the true reason to the attacks, and now assault on our sov.

While we are at war, you may be told that we "brag about taking PL single handedly", or "brag about destroying IT". I see this as the propganda Atlas and Cascade have used to rally troops against us. While we did take part in both wars, and we did play parts in these wars that were assigned to us, we clearly did not best either of these entities by ourselves. Please do not attempt to correct any propoganda or smack talk in local, to take it to local to do so, would only be llead to smack talking, something I refuse to do. If you have questions about exactly what our assigned roles were in both of these wars, please see your CEO or mail me directly and I will be glad to let you know.

While it is true, that we could likely defend ourselves against Atlas themselves. And perhaps even Cascade, at least while they are also deployed elsewhere with -A-, we cannot take on Atlas and Cascade combined. Unfortinatly our calls to our allies have fallen on deaf ears as they are either busy elsewhere, or have also reset us choosing, understandably, to back the larger more powerful side of Cascade/-A-/Atlas. As such, we are in a war that the outcome if very far from favorable.

Based on the rampant joint attacks staged against sov across TSI holdings today, we believe that without outside factors, we cannot win this war, and as such are ordering an evac or ALL non military assets. Be aware, we are NOT going to give in without a fight. But we are going to be forced to fight in our own way, and this means it will not be defensive. Every pilot needs to leave combat ships fitted and ready to fight, and every pilot who can fly covert ships (bombers and cloaky recons) needs to have several covert ships available. Please stage some ships in W-IX, some in A2 station, as well as some in lowsec and/or empire stations. Anyships left in nullsec from now on until we win or loose, are considered expendable military assets and will be treated as such.

Many of you have stood beside me in positions such as these in the past. You know what is expected and I know you will all live up to the challenges ahead. Many of you are new to sov and are likely confused as to what is going on and I can promise you, we have a hard time ahead of us. But look at your corp channels, look in alliance. These people are your brothers in arms. We live, we fight, and we die as a group. We will persevere and we will reach our potential, weither here or elsewhere. THis I promise you all.

We have done great things, and this is just a hurdle in the road to greater things.

Executor - Fallen Angels Alliance
"We are the Fallen. We have been cast down out of the light of the heavens, but we will bide our time and enact our vengance. For we are the Fallen"

Saturday, June 11, 2011

The TSI Death punch, Atlas attacks everything

In Northern Querious, Atlas has deployed multiple SBU's in the W-IX pocket and have put stations located in W-IX and A2-V into reinforce, all of FALL's space is currently vunerable and not being defended.  Fallen and Vanguard have issued evac orders to high sec for all assets.  Darenell is still unable to stop the bleeding and it looks like Atlas/Cascade fleets are deploying caps and supercaps on the field now.  TSI has not been able to muster any sort of  resitance other then the small roaming cruiser dessy fleets.  TSI's last CTA called for 100+ pilots only 43 showed up with the willingness to fight once again showing the upper leadership is unable to hold the coalition together with any sort of consitancy.  Atlas is now being assisted by the TSI defector corp Krysis which stabbed the coalition in the back at almost the same time Atlas unleased the dogs of war.  TSI intel channels are now filled with childish whineing and bitching. 

There are supposely plans to mount a counter offensive against Atlas in the comming weeks but I highly doubt that Darenell with his complete lack of leadership qualities will be able to raise moral and mount any sort of counter offensive.  These plans are being kept super secret to the point that only darenell's inner circle have been privied to this information.  My sources point to small guerilla type tactics using cov ops and black ops with possible capital support.  I seriouslt doubt that fallen or its allies have the ability to field a fleet capable of pushing back The current Atlas combat fleets.  They had over 200+ pilots hitting the stations in northern Querious last night.  With Atlas incapping all the jump bridges and 40+ pilots camping the gates out of the pockets, it looks like the only route of escape is via wormhole space. 

I expect to see Fallen space to belong to Atlas and its allies with the next 2 weeks, then they will turn thier heads to -93- and 666 space shortly after that producing the same results.  for the TSI they are attempting to fight a battle they cannont win and will bleed corps and members who would rather change sides then loose assets stuck in the W-Ix pocket.  This has already been seen with Krysis.

Further information points to me needing to make a correction Morsus Mihi appears to have settled into Delve and has begun shooting at Atlas but are not interfering with thier current operation. This could point to a small ray of hope for TSI but I see the Mihi leadership siding more with Atlas. and less with TSI, Atlas has far more to offer in experance and capabilities then TSI could, this would be the contributing factor for a possible NAP while Atlas purges the area of TSI.

Friday, June 10, 2011

An agents life, creating an identity for operational purposes

The life span of an agent can vary greatly depending on the need for said agent.  Some last minutes others last years.  The key to keeping your cover is creating a relationship with the target and engaging in conversations at a personal level.  Some agents are able to do this with an uncanny ability to project themselves to a point a target trusts them with thier most intimate secrets.  A good agent will allow himself or herself to become immersed within an alliance or corporation. This allows them complete access to vital troves of information which can be exploited when the time is right.  The key to the big score of information and treasure  is the willingness to break the ties and bonds that took days, months and maybe years to create in a matter of seconds.  To a true espionage agent the emotional ties to your targets are a tool that is used and manipulated to a point in which they no longer matter to the perpetrator. 

In this segment I will lay out the ground work for my agents on how they keep thier identites straight and are not burned in the short term.

1.  The first step in creating a personality is you give just enough of your real life information to your targets that your not living a fairytale extravigant life style or have done some amazing impossible feat unless you can prove it.  If you are able to prove this then do so it willa ctully make you more liked.  A human being likes to talk with intresting people, because of your amazing accomplishment you may become a sort of celebrity to your corporation or alliance.

2. The second step is create a fake completly fictional background for yourself, just enough where if people start to question your story you know what the fuck you are talking about and are able to communicate with them on an intelligent level.  For example if you know jack shit about computer programing don't use it as thats what you do for work.  For alot of agents the default comes down to two profesions the military and construction.  They both make good defaults as the military is all over the news networks and information is readily available and can be regergitated at a moments notice from talking points said by CNN or FOX news. Construction any GED retard can hammer nails and nobody will ask you more about it, and if they do you can say " ugh I build houses" end of conversation.

3. The ingame persona is just as important as the out of game one.  I personally prefere my agnets as well as myself to use freshly made characters, this allows you to use up corp assets to help you train via skill books ships and time. If your going to play a newb you have to act like one too.  Fit your ships poorly ask dumb questions, get blown up doing stupid shit.  After a few weeks change your ship fittings so that your leadership finally belives they have gotten through to you.  We prefer to use fresh charaters for the sole purpose that if you are not burnt and instead of taking the treasure you sell your intel, you are able to take a now semi trained pilot and join a new target.

4. Take notes lots and lots of notes,  POS locations, the modules type color and consitancy.  Activity levels whos alts are who, track your leadership and offer to help them with menial work to show your dependable this can allow you access to other assets and learn locations of logistics routes ect. The biggest piece of information that someone would most likly pay for is combat capabilities and where these comabt assets are located.  If you are able to locate the corps capital fleet to a specific area you can exploit this information and sell it to the highest bidder.  Other things we find important to note is who is your corp friendly with and who they are hostile towards.  Forward all alliance and corp mails to a 3rd party character such as your main to further archive the communications.  Personal player to player mails are no good as they can identify your agent and should never be used as leverage when trying to extort money from your target. 

Intel work is never ending and can take hours upon hours to compile enough for one report.  After your inital report you can do daily updates and addendums to your inital report as needed.  As a net operater and an agent myself I prefer to keep paper copies of all my reports in a folder specific to the target entity for easy refrence. 

Your reasons for infiltration are your own be it treasure, tears or complete destruction of an alliance, an agents life is never easy and you will have many sleepless nights war gaming your next move on your target.  As you plan your internet game of chess rember this as a hostile member inside the target you can infulence your targets moves to exponentially benifit your moves futher down the road.

The Heimdall

Thursday, June 9, 2011

The search for more work

In the espionage trade when one sits idle the mind wanders and thinks of new and exciting way to gather intel and pass this onto clients who wish to purchase it.  So I am going to extend my hand out to you the readers, anyone who would like me to help your cause I do not choose sides I do not care who. I work for the highest bidder once on your payrole I am yours untill the mission is complete or the ISK faucet runs dry either way you control how long I remain your asset.  My only stipulation is I will not work against my corp alliance or coalition blues.  I will not disclose who they are how big or small or where they are located. 

So if anyone out there wants some help doing anything please feel free to contact me with an EVE mail me with details of your operation and I will contact you for additional details.

The Heimdall

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Full retreat, Atlas starts sov warfare

With northern Querious on fire, FALL has had its moral stuffed and individuals are now ignoring the calls for help from inside thier own allaince.  The FALL leadership currently lacks the ability or the will anymore to call upon thier members to help save what ever they can.  Several of the fallen corps have called full retreat jump cloning out to highsec space leaving behing tens of billions in assets which will most likely be locked down in an AtlasDOT or MM station in W-IX or A2.  Darenell refused to answer me passing up the oppurtunity for them to atleast slow the bleeding to get assets and equiptment out of northern Querious.

The writing for FALL was on the wall for some time yet they failed to read it.  Several wardecs came and went.  Which I belive these corps belong to Atlas and were testing FALL on how they would respond to a high sec war dec.  In my opinion FALL failed to handle the war decs correctly.  They told the entire alliance "highsec is off limits make them come to us if they want to fight" , But what they should have done was reached out and stepped down upon the insignificant bug this 10 man corp was.  The DRF is also playing a huge role in this entire situation.  With the attack of DRF on the NC, many MM goons and razor pilots have flown down to help thier old firends Atlas with the promise of sov space in the south.  My questions is where does NOIR fall into this huge mess with them blocking the efa pipeline.  Was it an Atlas ploy to disrupt the flow of rat loot and equiptment?  Or was it just a coincedence? Only NOIR and thier contracter will know.

My reports along with POS locations jump bridge locations cap fleet locations ect. are still in my possesion and I doubt Darenell knows the ramifications or what this information can do to the rest of his coalition.

I am considering my work here against Fallen Angels Alliance completed thier space is going to be gone soon and they now have to face the fleets of MM and goons to boot.  To the rest of the TSI leadership. You have been played from day one used like an alter boy and are about to be thrown out like a red headed stepchild.  To Darenell, CHECKMATE.  The game of intergalactic internet spaceship chess is over and you have lost sir. 

The Heimdall

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Target communications commence, and so the game begins

And so the game of internet spaceship chess has started, I don't like
 to loose and I plan on playing this one to the end.

Status Update

Aright guys. Ratting and the like is out. As I said yesterday, expensive blink blink thats not for pew pew or cheap ratting, get it safe. Don't want people caught in blingy ships.

Also, Atlas and Cascade confirmed we have a spy in our midst and accidentally let slip who it is. As such, as Nemes and I know who it is, and you know who it is, to save face I'm giving you the chance to leave of your own within the next day. Please do so.
A memo from the alliance leader to the entire allaince.

And now my retort

Fw: Fw: Status Update

From: The Heimdall
To: xxxxxxx

Hello Sir,
I would like to say to you I have left enough clues from day one and it took you far too long to figure this one out but I can say "oh you found me".  Although a bit of your information is incorrect,  I do not work for Atlas, I am a freelancer that has spent much time watching the null sec space transform into what it is today, some of the reason you hold space today can be acredited to my work against IT alliance.  As you can see I am still here and very well embeded into you alliance.  I will not be leaving on my own accord unless it is benifical to me for one reason or another.  A smart man such as yourself would understand the ramifications of such an infiltraitor in you midst.  I will contine to map the regions POS locations jump bridge passwords and fleet compositions and forward them to the highest bidder, and belive me there are several.  This information can be made secure by two means either pay me to leave or force me out.  But understand I do enjoy a good game of hide and seek.  Game on sir Goodluck.

The Heimdall
S.I.G. Net

The game has started pawn to kings knight four, your move sir.

Things get intresting

With the ATLAS reset in Querious my plan of watching and waiting has taken a turn to maybe there is some profit in this.  I am tempted to contact the playmakers in the area to see if anyone would be interested in intel I could provide.  I have mapped out the entire region with POS locations and have access to 40% of them, Which would be quite a haul if I was remotly able to get the assets out of the region. Saddly I do not think this is an option perhapps it is time to extort some ISK from the leadership of this coalition.  I am going to propse a gag bribe to upper leadership in which would be honored.  Evemails sent waiting on replies.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Operation: No-Joy

I have been asked to gather intel on a highsec war target.  Nice easy simple request in which we will do quickly for fast turn around.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

6 hours late to the show...

It appears someone else beat me to the punch on North atlantic Industrie's wormhole.  This corp took a huge loss today in assets they had 12-15 billion in ships removed from thier possesion.  This has allowed me to open up some intresting channels with pandemic legion.  I am still going to look for access to this wormhole in hopes that NAI stays there, but my feeling is they will move on, lick thier wonds and try to rebuild in a diffrent location as PL is currently camping the system to seige the POS.  This operation is now complete.

The Giant Hicup

Well... Security has been tighten inside the null sec target after an upper managment walk off with a literal shit tonne of assets and then bio massing himself.  Our client has been informed of our set back and that asset relocation could take longer then expected.  I am also currently mapping firendly POS location in the area hopeing they very well could be set to use alliance standings and we may be able to liberate from these corps early without blowing our agents cover.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Dry Days

The trials on both of our wormhole contracts have gone dead.  Multiple attempts to join either corp have not been answered.  We are continueing to track these guys but have put it on the back burner.  I have instructed 2 of our agents to move to 0.0 to assist in the general intel and isk syphoning that we have picked up.  We have installed multiple pilots through out the allaince inorder to obtain a better picture of where the drama could most easily be placed.  This mission is not a smash and grab, its going to be more of a slow bleed stealing assets at a slow space  attempting to bleed as much isk via clogging the belts to prevent ratting and takeing moduals when able to. So far we have moved about 2 billion in mods and rat bounties.  Hope they will give us director roles so we can yank the whole shooting match at once and finish the job.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Wormhole hunting continues and extra

I have accepted another merit based contract involving finding a specific wormhole.  Although the lack of comunication from the client is annoying,  I have decided to take this contract on myself as I do not feel it will be rather difficult or time consuming I have code named this Operation Spotcheck.  I have also picked up a second contract that has put me back in 0.0 space involving a medium power bloc entity.  I have already infiltrated the alliance and am currently operating inside 0.0 space makeing money and being a good little corp mate who they think is knowlagable and loyal.  Which is the truth but loyal to my wallet and nothing else.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Asset movments as applied by us

Today I am going to focus on the task of selling off massive amounts of assets and how it is kept clean away from your main's listings.  We have employed a few diffrent tactics in order to syphon money away from corps in the form of assets and leaving little to no trace we had actully done so.  I will be detailing the steps to do this and get away without a trace ( hopefully). 

1. The first and most important rule, Leave the damn corp wallet alone.  It tells them exactly who took from them.  Our rule of thumb is dont touch the wallet unless the sum you will be taking is equal to three times the character value if sold.  The reason we use this rule is to be able to reuse and sometimes even maintain an agent in the target corp long after the contracts have ended. 

2. Giant secure containers are your enemy. When raiding a POS do not touch the anchor giant secure containers.  If it will not fit in your cargo dont touch it.  What you should use is your own jet can.  When stripping fittings, strip the ship and jet can them into space repeate with all the ships you can jump into, then kill the can and no log to see who took what.  When taking the etire ships always leave some ships that are of moderate value that you can fly.  This will confuse your target and create more questions then answers.  Also make sure your expensive pve ship comes up missing.  Move it to an out of the way system and dock it up. 

3. When to strike the ideal time to strike is just after peek time when newer members are online but the upper level management has been logged off for atleast one hour.  You do not want to be the only on online when your move is made.  You wont be the only suspect and the fact that the wallet wasnt touched means you were most likly not the perp.

4. Create and alibi Run missions kill rats ect close by but not in system so it looks like you were doing something else entirely.  The goal is to confuse the target to the point they have no clue what has happened and the figer gets pointed else where.

5. After a heist put your input and take a role in implementing new security rules this will allow you to further entrench yourself into the leadership levels of the target corp.  This serves two puposes it gives you the ability to gain control of security processes and control them. Allow yourself to become the recuriter, station manager, auditor ect. The more responsibility you have the more likely you will be able to pull off a second and even bigger hiest.

6. This step we call checkmate.  In the last and final step we ignore all of the other five rules.  once you get to this point you should be able to access all wallet division all hangars all POS structures.  In this step you take everything that is not locked down and run with it.  If you have done all your homework you will begin to know when the other directors/ceo logs on and how much time you will have in order to take everything. 

Once you have pulled of the heist of your career you have two options you can brag about it or keep it to yourself.  Most choose to brag and release entire details on how you did it play by play. But some choose to sell the character and move on the the next target.  Which ever you choose you will have new found riches to use for the next hiest.

The Heimdall

Monday, April 25, 2011

Once again...

Once again we have move to 0.0 space, This time a smaller more trusting coalition of people who appear to be unaligned with any major power bloc.  Updates will come sparaticly on this one as it is intel gathering for a big bloc powerhouse that wants to keep eyes on the surfs.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

One happy customer...

I recived a mail today saying my services were no longer needed which was a bit concerning... then I opened the mail and found that the client has recived all the intel they needed to Identify the spies from their target allaince and I am reciving payment in full.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The fish that got away..

We moved on intel from our agent as to the location of our target wormhole.  We missed the window by about 4 hours.  We spoke with the inhabitants of the k162 and confrmed our targets were in this wormhole a few hours ago and closed the static.  We are still chasing the shadow of the CEO for our client and we are undaunted.

Monday, April 18, 2011

The daily two step

We are getting closer to the close of the first contract worth 1 billion isk.  We have tracked these guys all weekend and am now just 5 hours behind them.  I am going to fly out to thier last known location and see if I can get lucky. 

S.I.G. Net's first intel report went out Friday, the recipiant was quite suprised that I already knew what I did about our target.  They will recived a second report tonight after i get it typed and finalized sometime this afternoon.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Contract accepted...

Well just 2 days after posting our new service we have the very first paying customer.  Another wormhole contract, They promptly paid the application fee.  I am in the market for a fresh face for a new account that was opened today.  we shall see how this one goes.  I have finally told the other corp I am involved with about the situation and they have offered to help anyway they can.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

First Contact...

I was contacted by a person today looking for a specific wormhole.  I gladly accepted this persons offer all though being merit based with no pay untill I produce.  The guys have started their work and are looking to produce me a location... we will see.

On a diffrent note the C&P forums were receptive as usual with laughs and prove its which we fully expected.  I guess we will have to show them exactly what we can do.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Move to New Land

With the fall of IT alliance and the o.o landscape changing my small group of  agents came to find ourselves without work and in need of a job.  We had no angst twards any of the bloc alliances nor the patience to attempt to infiltrate another mega alliance.  We turned our heads to highsec a place which is full of unknowing and semi irrelivant corps.  We discussed how to set about looking to open the door for the first time to the highest bidder and the plan was hatched.  I used my last free slot of my couple accounts and gave the ball a push down hill....  Let us see how far this ball rolls and where it stops.

The Heimdall