Monday, May 21, 2012

Operation:Wildfire Objective Completed

The assualt of J114528 wormhole belonging to shadowspace operations had been completed.  The assualt force that kindly gave up some of thier time to complete this for us THANK YOU.  The tower has been destroyed. 

Little to no contact from the target corp and a complete refusal to pay the ransom lead to the towers demise.

The destroyed hangars and assembly arrays did not drop what we would call a profit.  The chimera did not drop the moros bluprint didnt drop, most of the capital parts and the 60k robotics were destroyed. 

The mercs did get some money but it covers thier costs to do the job.  Perhapps next time they will have thier payday.

Our client is happy at the outcome regardless the target lost everything. 

Objective completed, on to the next one.

Saturday, May 19, 2012


After the completion of our last operation we contact a group of mercs who have decided to lend us a hand on completing our task. 

As of  Friday night the wormhole belonging to Shadowspace Operations has been seiged.

Moduals have been incapped, pos rape caged and reinforced.  The members inside the wormhole claim they donot have the means to pay the requested ransom.  They have less then a day untill they get to watch thier assets burn.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Operation "You sound Excited" Wrap up

Pictures of this operations take.

2 Tengus 5 drakes 3 myrms 2 scorpions 1 hurricane and multiple tech 2 frigs and cruisers hulls were taken during this heist.

Total take was around 3.4 billion with 10+ still inside wormhole space.

As our standard operating procedure, an op is planned to take down or ransom the remaining assets inside the target wormhole.

Operation Wild Fire is a go

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Operation: "You Sound Excited" completion

First phase of this operation went off without a hitch last night assets were removed as requested.  Our merc corp we use to aggresivly negotiate with our targets has been called up with an op planed to finish the tower inside wormhole space. 

The take is being transported by a third party logistics company from the lowsec system to Jita for cataloging.  Once this has been done we will post final figures along with screen shots. 

At this point This operation is completed and is moving into its second phase.  Asset destruction will be up to the employed merc corp.  As our standard agreement with them they are allowed to keep any and all loot that drops.  We also allow them to negotiate with the target for ISK to allow them to keep thier wormhole and tower intact. 

Once the mercs get inside the wormhole we forward all remaining asset information to them so they can inform the target that they know exactly what is inside thier POS and if they would like to maintain it they can pay X amount.  We do not put any restrictions on this corp as they have yet to let us down they do thier job fast and effectivly.  Most of the time the mark will negotiate some sort of deal with the mercs once the tower has been reinforced and all the mods incapped.  The merc corp will then proceede to rape cage the tower.  If the target corp fails to make good on the terms of the agreement the tower will be taken down all pos mods destroyed and a new small tower anchord in its spot with a couple guns and warp scrams just to catch the log ons later.

Follow up comming as soon as the job is completed.

Operation: "You Sound Excited" completed
Operation:  Wild Fire Started

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Operation: "You Sound Excited"

Logging in today brought me a bit of a suprise.  The corp has decided to begin recruitment again.  This has now sped up my time frame to 24 hours.  One of the SMA have been secured to where I no longer have access.  I am going to continue with the new timeframe as my training queue no longer has an effect on the assets I am able to grab ahold of. 

The client asked for a punch in the face and removal of assets.  We are going to oblige him and create some internal strife.  I am going to take advantage of the two new members as I have been in target corp for over a month with nothing comming up missing.  The new guy was allowed access after just two days in the wormhole. 

I am hoping that by me useing the cover of two new members I will be able to grab and empty the CMA and one of the SMA and reutrn back to wormhole space and have the blame fall onto the new guys whom have just arrived. 

I do suspect that the new members have the same intentions I do, except they do not know my time frame. 

Once the heist has be facilitated I am going to approach our main corp to see if they with to take the tower down and reap the rest of the rewards. 

Screen shots to follow shortly after the heist.

The Heimdall