Monday, December 12, 2011

Objectives begin to fall

The long silence is about to be broken,  First off I would like to appoligize to the reader as I have had to remain silent the last few months.  But operation BlackDawn has started to evolve into its intended form. As of December 2nd target wormhole J130854 has been seiged and POS's belonging to Chained reactions have been removed.  Dead on Arrival was able to enter the wormhole through highsec routes provided by our subersion agents. 

As requested we provided all of the intel in order for this objective to be completed.  On December 2nd, 3rd and 4th combat operations began and this was the out come.

Multiple POS locations were brought down and there was 10s of billions in isk destroyed. The operation against Chained Reactions is just begining.

A few days after the dust had settled, I made contact with the alliance executor.  And this was the short eve mail conversation we had.

I really don't meen to be rude but...
Your operations has not affected my alliance much at all so basicly you guys fail.
Not sure who is paying you but they are just cowards if they can't deal with us in person.

I am super anti merc's i think that just shows a lack of balls.

So yes try me...

There is no way this alliance is going to Disband it might shrink in size we might move out of a few WH and move in to new ones but the core of this alliance will never fail since it was created for fun not for profit.

Now explain this one (What you may not know is that we are the reason your alliance mates have been targeted.) YOU are the Reason or I AM the reason ? Cuz if you was hired then you are NOT the reason one of our members are targeted...

And in my alliance its pretty much free for all so if you find MY POS and seige it then i might consider paying a ransom but till then you might want to talk with the ppl you actualy targeting cuz i not going to be the one paying Ransom for assets that don't belong to me.

Ok and after typing this much i realize your not even in DOA you are some random guy in a 2 man corp so try again from your Main toon or something.

Best Reguards,
Jasminmatar, CEO of AFATY, Leader of Chained Reactions. Co Funder of the WH coalition.

hello Jas
The HeimdallSent: 2011.12.10 03:32

Hello Jas,

You do not know me but your alliance has become very familiar with my work. As you know Dead on arrival has been activly seigeing wormhole J130854. What you may not know is that we are the reason your alliance mates have been targeted. As requested our services have issued losses to your alliance totaling in the 10s of billions. Our work is not finished with you yet, We are currently renegotiating with our client on an extension of our services to them.

The reason I have brought this to your attention is we would like to offer your alliance mates the ability to once again freely operate within wormhole space. There are 3 ways to resolve the problem your alliance urrently faces.

1. Remove us from your rosters. This option is the easiest yet most tedious response to the situation. The problem with just kicking players is there is no real way to tell how many and who need to be removed. Although you could always just disband the alliance and start over I Guess.

2. Die, fail cascade into oblivion just like the rest of the poor worthless entities we have operated against.

3. Finnaly the easiest option buy your freedom. As my standard contracts with my client allow we extend you the oppurtunity to purchase your freedom.

Heed my warning, We have been active in your alliance at multiple levels and for many months now, if our client decides to reenlist our services this last seige will be the first of many on your alliances wormhole empire. Time is not a luxury for you as our client does not wish to be held up.

Good Luck

His response was add me to his contacts at -10 standing how unfortunate.

The operation continues and we shall see where black dawn takes us

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