Friday, June 10, 2011

An agents life, creating an identity for operational purposes

The life span of an agent can vary greatly depending on the need for said agent.  Some last minutes others last years.  The key to keeping your cover is creating a relationship with the target and engaging in conversations at a personal level.  Some agents are able to do this with an uncanny ability to project themselves to a point a target trusts them with thier most intimate secrets.  A good agent will allow himself or herself to become immersed within an alliance or corporation. This allows them complete access to vital troves of information which can be exploited when the time is right.  The key to the big score of information and treasure  is the willingness to break the ties and bonds that took days, months and maybe years to create in a matter of seconds.  To a true espionage agent the emotional ties to your targets are a tool that is used and manipulated to a point in which they no longer matter to the perpetrator. 

In this segment I will lay out the ground work for my agents on how they keep thier identites straight and are not burned in the short term.

1.  The first step in creating a personality is you give just enough of your real life information to your targets that your not living a fairytale extravigant life style or have done some amazing impossible feat unless you can prove it.  If you are able to prove this then do so it willa ctully make you more liked.  A human being likes to talk with intresting people, because of your amazing accomplishment you may become a sort of celebrity to your corporation or alliance.

2. The second step is create a fake completly fictional background for yourself, just enough where if people start to question your story you know what the fuck you are talking about and are able to communicate with them on an intelligent level.  For example if you know jack shit about computer programing don't use it as thats what you do for work.  For alot of agents the default comes down to two profesions the military and construction.  They both make good defaults as the military is all over the news networks and information is readily available and can be regergitated at a moments notice from talking points said by CNN or FOX news. Construction any GED retard can hammer nails and nobody will ask you more about it, and if they do you can say " ugh I build houses" end of conversation.

3. The ingame persona is just as important as the out of game one.  I personally prefere my agnets as well as myself to use freshly made characters, this allows you to use up corp assets to help you train via skill books ships and time. If your going to play a newb you have to act like one too.  Fit your ships poorly ask dumb questions, get blown up doing stupid shit.  After a few weeks change your ship fittings so that your leadership finally belives they have gotten through to you.  We prefer to use fresh charaters for the sole purpose that if you are not burnt and instead of taking the treasure you sell your intel, you are able to take a now semi trained pilot and join a new target.

4. Take notes lots and lots of notes,  POS locations, the modules type color and consitancy.  Activity levels whos alts are who, track your leadership and offer to help them with menial work to show your dependable this can allow you access to other assets and learn locations of logistics routes ect. The biggest piece of information that someone would most likly pay for is combat capabilities and where these comabt assets are located.  If you are able to locate the corps capital fleet to a specific area you can exploit this information and sell it to the highest bidder.  Other things we find important to note is who is your corp friendly with and who they are hostile towards.  Forward all alliance and corp mails to a 3rd party character such as your main to further archive the communications.  Personal player to player mails are no good as they can identify your agent and should never be used as leverage when trying to extort money from your target. 

Intel work is never ending and can take hours upon hours to compile enough for one report.  After your inital report you can do daily updates and addendums to your inital report as needed.  As a net operater and an agent myself I prefer to keep paper copies of all my reports in a folder specific to the target entity for easy refrence. 

Your reasons for infiltration are your own be it treasure, tears or complete destruction of an alliance, an agents life is never easy and you will have many sleepless nights war gaming your next move on your target.  As you plan your internet game of chess rember this as a hostile member inside the target you can infulence your targets moves to exponentially benifit your moves futher down the road.

The Heimdall

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