Monday, October 8, 2012

Operation Aggressive Doorstop:Assualt on J150754

I last wrote about Operation deepstrike on July 2nd.  With the completion of deepstrike, our combat group transitioned into Operation Aggressive Doorstop assaulting wormhole J150754 belonging to a loose partnership of a small corp named Dastardly and the wacky aces who was our primary target and the alliance Union of revolution which we have operated against in the past.

Battle report written by Fleet command of our combat element

The assault took place on September 31st, the towers were reinforced in about 3 hours all mods were incapped and the waiting game started.  All inhabitants were given the option to buy their way out of combat and they all respectfully declined.

The first action we saw was 20 hours into the primary targets RF timer.  An orca was trying to sneak out of the rape caged POS  and this was the result.

The ocra made it to the very edge of the bubbles before our FC decloaked pointed and called for the hictor.  The pilot made an attempt to return to the POS shields but failed to make it in.

As the RF timer ticked down the inhabitants made a couple other attempts to escape with no avail. 

We started to reform our fleet 30 minuets before the first POS exited the timer.  During this time bomber bar had showed up and launched some bombs killing a couple ships and catching some stragglers who had drifted too far from our fleet.

once bomber bar had left the wormhole almost immediately a large 40 man tech 3 armor gang belonging to elysian empire showed up and pushed us back to our staging POS.  They hung around for about an hour, once they left we resumed shooting the towers

*** updated battle report***
(thank you elysian empire for providing it)

the towers fell in short order

during the last part of our siege Metogo and company self destructed all remaining ships and then was podded shortly after the tower was destroyed.

We did not expect the combat fleets to show but Metogo claimed he had friends who would come help him.

Operation deepstrike/Operation aggresive doorstop: mission accomplished

The Heimdall

Monday, July 2, 2012

Operation Deep Strike:updated

The primary goal of Operation Deep Strike has been completed.  4.5 billion isk in ship hulls was removed from wormhole space.  2 tengus , one of which was faction fit  6 battleships 6 battle cruisers a prowler and a hulk.

Target has been transfered to our combat group for purging.  We have made contact with the target offering ransom for thier assets,  they continue to belive we are just making a feeble attempt to draw more isk from thier wallets. 

Our inital agent has been re assigned to the character bazarr.  We are working out seige details with the combat group as they are pre occupied with null sec dealings.

The client is extreemly happy results as of today and is still intrested in the total destruction of all wormhole assets.

stay tuned for battle reports


We have purchased our way back into the target system, one of thier trusted members appears to like the isk better then his corps saftey.  I was truly suprised that the new inside asset was the one who intiated the conversation.  The reason for my suprise was he was one of the individuals who had a hand in removing our original agent.

You know who you are and thank you.  You will be rewarded for your contribution.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Operation:Wildfire Objective Completed

The assualt of J114528 wormhole belonging to shadowspace operations had been completed.  The assualt force that kindly gave up some of thier time to complete this for us THANK YOU.  The tower has been destroyed. 

Little to no contact from the target corp and a complete refusal to pay the ransom lead to the towers demise.

The destroyed hangars and assembly arrays did not drop what we would call a profit.  The chimera did not drop the moros bluprint didnt drop, most of the capital parts and the 60k robotics were destroyed. 

The mercs did get some money but it covers thier costs to do the job.  Perhapps next time they will have thier payday.

Our client is happy at the outcome regardless the target lost everything. 

Objective completed, on to the next one.

Saturday, May 19, 2012


After the completion of our last operation we contact a group of mercs who have decided to lend us a hand on completing our task. 

As of  Friday night the wormhole belonging to Shadowspace Operations has been seiged.

Moduals have been incapped, pos rape caged and reinforced.  The members inside the wormhole claim they donot have the means to pay the requested ransom.  They have less then a day untill they get to watch thier assets burn.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Operation "You sound Excited" Wrap up

Pictures of this operations take.

2 Tengus 5 drakes 3 myrms 2 scorpions 1 hurricane and multiple tech 2 frigs and cruisers hulls were taken during this heist.

Total take was around 3.4 billion with 10+ still inside wormhole space.

As our standard operating procedure, an op is planned to take down or ransom the remaining assets inside the target wormhole.

Operation Wild Fire is a go

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Operation: "You Sound Excited" completion

First phase of this operation went off without a hitch last night assets were removed as requested.  Our merc corp we use to aggresivly negotiate with our targets has been called up with an op planed to finish the tower inside wormhole space. 

The take is being transported by a third party logistics company from the lowsec system to Jita for cataloging.  Once this has been done we will post final figures along with screen shots. 

At this point This operation is completed and is moving into its second phase.  Asset destruction will be up to the employed merc corp.  As our standard agreement with them they are allowed to keep any and all loot that drops.  We also allow them to negotiate with the target for ISK to allow them to keep thier wormhole and tower intact. 

Once the mercs get inside the wormhole we forward all remaining asset information to them so they can inform the target that they know exactly what is inside thier POS and if they would like to maintain it they can pay X amount.  We do not put any restrictions on this corp as they have yet to let us down they do thier job fast and effectivly.  Most of the time the mark will negotiate some sort of deal with the mercs once the tower has been reinforced and all the mods incapped.  The merc corp will then proceede to rape cage the tower.  If the target corp fails to make good on the terms of the agreement the tower will be taken down all pos mods destroyed and a new small tower anchord in its spot with a couple guns and warp scrams just to catch the log ons later.

Follow up comming as soon as the job is completed.

Operation: "You Sound Excited" completed
Operation:  Wild Fire Started

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Operation: "You Sound Excited"

Logging in today brought me a bit of a suprise.  The corp has decided to begin recruitment again.  This has now sped up my time frame to 24 hours.  One of the SMA have been secured to where I no longer have access.  I am going to continue with the new timeframe as my training queue no longer has an effect on the assets I am able to grab ahold of. 

The client asked for a punch in the face and removal of assets.  We are going to oblige him and create some internal strife.  I am going to take advantage of the two new members as I have been in target corp for over a month with nothing comming up missing.  The new guy was allowed access after just two days in the wormhole. 

I am hoping that by me useing the cover of two new members I will be able to grab and empty the CMA and one of the SMA and reutrn back to wormhole space and have the blame fall onto the new guys whom have just arrived. 

I do suspect that the new members have the same intentions I do, except they do not know my time frame. 

Once the heist has be facilitated I am going to approach our main corp to see if they with to take the tower down and reap the rest of the rewards. 

Screen shots to follow shortly after the heist.

The Heimdall

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Quote" you sound excited"

After a failing infiltration attempt, SIG opted to relocate to another target and moved a staganted agent to a fresher target with better promises from the inital information.  We moved out agent into stasis and contacted our new CEO.  He was very excited to see that he had an experianced combat pilot intrested in joining his corp to help further his grasp on wormhole space.

Shortly after joining I was given access to thier wormhole intel channel, which gives me all kinds of useful information.  As I head out to the newest connection the CEO lets me know he has granted me the roles to operate out of his POS. 

Upon arriving in the void that is wormhole space and warp to the pos I begin my searching 100s of ship hulls tech 2/tech 3 scanners bombers the works.  On top of all the ship hulls is over 3,000,000 m3 of random space junk most of which fits onto ships.

At this point I was apprently laughing like an evil wizard as I hear in team speak from one of my corpmates.  Boy you sound excited?  I explained what I had found about 4 more times as more and more people wanted to hear of what we may be gaining from this assignment.

Let the games begin.  The list will soon follow.

Monday, March 26, 2012

"The check is in the mail"

S.I.G. Net ops has expanded and contracted over the last year and a half.  We have gone from a small set of human agents under my direction to a multi level subversion organization.  Useing converted assets as well as our own subversion agents. 

We have intel rolling in from channels from multiple Null sec blocs as well as phsyical assets rolling in from wormhole space.  The biggest hurdle is the waiting game and being able to spread your game time for your agent and your main to act on the intel and secure assets stolen. 

Running this organization is a time whore and spliting my time between actionable intel from our boots on the ground, and directing agents to where we need them.  I lost touch with my own personal vendetta and lost my foothold within that corp in which I was trying to completly decimate. 

While on a three week stint of attacking IRC based on actionable intel in which we claimed kills and will be claiming assets.  My personal agent was neglected, and subsequently thrown to the side and unable to gain the needed access for my ultimate goal.  This is the bane of any agents existence lead the fight to keep a human agent in the field and viable or give yourself the gratification of achiving your own personal goals.  I decided that keeping an agent inside cobalt edge was worth more then some no name wormhole corp. 

I have made the decision to contact one of our offlined agents to see if he would be intrested in a joint operation where I break all the rules.  The agents will know who eachother are and will be in direct communication against a target that may be a direct threat to my Null sec orps neutral indie wing.  This will be an intel gathering mission and if they appear to be a tactical threat we will change this mission to what we enjoy doing the best.

Operation Over Watch is a go

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Been busy

Well,  With the invasion of Branch alot of our assets were focused up in that region as well as Geminate and Vale.  Even though most of our man power was located in null sec space we were able to get a contract once again in wormhole space.  Our new employer has requested sustained and substantial damage be done to the target. 

Shortly after reciving the request from our new friend we sent in an application and api key to the target corp.  We were accepted almost instantly,  We spent roughly 2 weeks outside in empire doing really nothing but rounding up assets that had been set all around new eden and centralized them in the forge region. ( recycling the same agent is a blessing and a curse all in the same breath)

Once reciving the invite into the class 5 wormhole I was pleasntly suprised to recive partial roles required to seriously inflict some damage on this target.  They have thier POS very secure, and will take some serious time to gain the roles needed for full destruction. 

As of today I have access to about 5 billion in assets which for most people this would be a no brainer, but after some regular chit chat i learned the true aspect of what was in these hangars and ship arrays.  I was told they have an entire tengu fleet 20 or so fit ready to fly.  They are producing new T3 ships and sub systems daily and with no static exit things begin to stock pile very quickly.  There is also multiple faction battleships tech 2 ships and more hulks then any one corp would truly need.  But the big cherry on top is thier extensive captial fleet located inside this wormhole.   While running one of the class 5 sites they warped in 5 carriers and 2 dreads and later they were mining with an orca in the grav site and a rorqual. 

I once again contact an old friend and he has place his orca pilot in the forge region as well as contacted his cap pilot buddies.  This could be one serious payday if everything goes as I expect it to.