Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Full retreat, Atlas starts sov warfare

With northern Querious on fire, FALL has had its moral stuffed and individuals are now ignoring the calls for help from inside thier own allaince.  The FALL leadership currently lacks the ability or the will anymore to call upon thier members to help save what ever they can.  Several of the fallen corps have called full retreat jump cloning out to highsec space leaving behing tens of billions in assets which will most likely be locked down in an AtlasDOT or MM station in W-IX or A2.  Darenell refused to answer me passing up the oppurtunity for them to atleast slow the bleeding to get assets and equiptment out of northern Querious.

The writing for FALL was on the wall for some time yet they failed to read it.  Several wardecs came and went.  Which I belive these corps belong to Atlas and were testing FALL on how they would respond to a high sec war dec.  In my opinion FALL failed to handle the war decs correctly.  They told the entire alliance "highsec is off limits make them come to us if they want to fight" , But what they should have done was reached out and stepped down upon the insignificant bug this 10 man corp was.  The DRF is also playing a huge role in this entire situation.  With the attack of DRF on the NC, many MM goons and razor pilots have flown down to help thier old firends Atlas with the promise of sov space in the south.  My questions is where does NOIR fall into this huge mess with them blocking the efa pipeline.  Was it an Atlas ploy to disrupt the flow of rat loot and equiptment?  Or was it just a coincedence? Only NOIR and thier contracter will know.

My reports along with POS locations jump bridge locations cap fleet locations ect. are still in my possesion and I doubt Darenell knows the ramifications or what this information can do to the rest of his coalition.

I am considering my work here against Fallen Angels Alliance completed thier space is going to be gone soon and they now have to face the fleets of MM and goons to boot.  To the rest of the TSI leadership. You have been played from day one used like an alter boy and are about to be thrown out like a red headed stepchild.  To Darenell, CHECKMATE.  The game of intergalactic internet spaceship chess is over and you have lost sir. 

The Heimdall

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