Monday, October 8, 2012

Operation Aggressive Doorstop:Assualt on J150754

I last wrote about Operation deepstrike on July 2nd.  With the completion of deepstrike, our combat group transitioned into Operation Aggressive Doorstop assaulting wormhole J150754 belonging to a loose partnership of a small corp named Dastardly and the wacky aces who was our primary target and the alliance Union of revolution which we have operated against in the past.

Battle report written by Fleet command of our combat element

The assault took place on September 31st, the towers were reinforced in about 3 hours all mods were incapped and the waiting game started.  All inhabitants were given the option to buy their way out of combat and they all respectfully declined.

The first action we saw was 20 hours into the primary targets RF timer.  An orca was trying to sneak out of the rape caged POS  and this was the result.

The ocra made it to the very edge of the bubbles before our FC decloaked pointed and called for the hictor.  The pilot made an attempt to return to the POS shields but failed to make it in.

As the RF timer ticked down the inhabitants made a couple other attempts to escape with no avail. 

We started to reform our fleet 30 minuets before the first POS exited the timer.  During this time bomber bar had showed up and launched some bombs killing a couple ships and catching some stragglers who had drifted too far from our fleet.

once bomber bar had left the wormhole almost immediately a large 40 man tech 3 armor gang belonging to elysian empire showed up and pushed us back to our staging POS.  They hung around for about an hour, once they left we resumed shooting the towers

*** updated battle report***
(thank you elysian empire for providing it)

the towers fell in short order

during the last part of our siege Metogo and company self destructed all remaining ships and then was podded shortly after the tower was destroyed.

We did not expect the combat fleets to show but Metogo claimed he had friends who would come help him.

Operation deepstrike/Operation aggresive doorstop: mission accomplished

The Heimdall

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