Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Vanguard damage control

After the upper leadership of TSI ignoring me I decided to contact the CEOs, diplos and recruitment officers  of every corp in vanguard in order to stop the blaitant disreguard for my presence.  This message went out...

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen

As some of you on this list may be aware of my presence many of you are most likely not. Allow me to introduce myself, SIG Net is personaly responseable for assets belonging to your alliance and coalition being destroyed as well as providing sensitive information to Atlas. and other organizations. We are currently deeply entrenced in your alliance and have given the upper leadership ample time to respond to my demands. I fear that darenell and sawny do not take us seriously. allow me to divulge some of our work to you. We are directly responsable for this asset being destroyed also one of ours and again

the list goes on and on from small insignificant kills to the major ones above

Now let me direct you to the day we had Atlas. shooting at the station and we chased them ready to cyno in a capital fleet. Why do you think they ran away to where they did? Thats because I informed them of the jump limitations and our capabilities to fight them. They knew what we had and left just as we were ready to engage.

As you can see our work is not to be taken lightly and your allaince/coalition leadership continues to ignore the fact that we are here. I recently asked for 4 billion isk to end our operation and that offer still stands.

The way I see it Vanguard is now looking to wage a war against Atlas. in querious region and avoid the 0rphanage, with my agents firmly inplace inside the coalition I will see that you are unsuccesful. As I explained to Darenell and the sawny there are 3 ways this ends. I am bought off, my agents are kicked out or you all crumble and break.

I have yet to open channels with my contacts in AD0PT but if the leadership of vanguard and TSI continues to ignore me I will take steps to see that your lows sec safe spots are revealed and you are visited by the merc force that you are so desperatley trying to avoid.

Heed my wanring gentlemen, awaiting your reply darenell or sawny

The heimdell

I got an almost imediate response from a CEO from one of the corps laughing at me but allaince mail spelled a little diffrent story

ummmmmm. i think this person need to be primaried.  I then forwarded to him a copy of what he said in alliance mail.

Today darenell sends out this response to my little letter

Re: FW: Hello Ladies and Gentlemen

I can't speak for the VI losses, however I love it when people claim responsibilty for losses they had nothing to do with.  The Fallen JF died due to pilot error as we knew that system was being camped as we had caught Atlas. scouting pos towers for just this purpose.

This guy CLAIMS he will go away for 4billion isk, however he won't, I've seen his type and this scam before.  He is likely sitting in a gank tempest in Jita on his main while watching nullsec goings on.  With our info being on evenews, he took an interest and started pulling kills out of our killboards as "proof" of his complication so that he can demand isk to leave us alone.
We all know there are spys in every alliance, shit happens, welcome to Eve.  However I don't intend to pay some griefer to leave us alone when he isn't doing much of anything other than breeding paranoia.

This is why I simply blocked him when he started on this crap in my personal mail, he got annoying with trying to convince me, without any proof, that he is a threat.

There are plans in place that this person has no idea of or else he wouldn't be asking us to pay him to "go away".

Once again TSI leadership has failed to see the threat and will once again pay dearly for the insolence
The Heimdall

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